National Eye Health Week

23-29 September 2019

In a survey conducted by Fight for Sight, 78% of people fear losing their sight the most out of all 5 senses.

This same survey states that 28% of the adult population are not having eye tests every 2 years.

A huge chunk of us fear losing our vision more than anything else, yet we don’t know how to take proper care of our eyes! That’s why, along with this week being National Eye Health Week, we’ve dedicated this post on ways to keep your eyes healthy.

Find out your family’s eye health history

Some eye conditions are hereditary, meaning they could be passed down to you. Talk to your family and find out if this could be the case for you. If you know that you’re more likely to develop a certain eye condition, then let your optometrist know, and we may be able to put preventative measures in place.

Be careful with contact lenses

If you wear contact lenses, then make sure you’re always following proper procedures for inserting and removing them. Wash and dry your hands before handling and remember to wash your lenses and their case regularly with the solution recommended by your optometrist.

Stop Smoking

Smokers that have over 15 cigarettes a day are 3 times more likely to develop cataracts as a result. Additionally, smokers are 2-4 times more likely to develop macular degeneration than people that have never smoked. Stopping smoking or never starting will help to prevent your eyes becoming at higher risk of developing these diseases.

Wear Sunglasses

If it’s sunny, or you’re around snow or water, then make sure to protect your eyes with sunglasses. And remember, even with sunglasses on, never look directly into the sun. The suns’ ultraviolet light can damage the delicate parts of your eyes and cause long-term eye health problems.

Stay Active

Maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure can help with your overall eye health. In recent years, studies have shown that regular exercise has links with reduced risks of certain eye diseases. These are cataracts, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration.

Eat Healthy

Introducing plenty of Omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamins C and E can help to slow down the progress of age-related macular degeneration. Foods such as fish, nuts, leafy green vegetables and seeds are all rich in these nutrients.


Of course, sometimes eye diseases just can’t be avoided, but doing all that you can to prevent or slow down the progress of them can make a real difference to the quality of your life. Remember, one of the biggest things you can do to prevent a lot of eye diseases is detect them in their early stages. Get your eyes tested every 2 years, to keep tabs on how your eyes are developing.


If you’d like to make an appointment, then get in touch and we’ll be able to help you out.