multi focal lenses

Multifocal Contact Lenses

Are you struggling with reading glasses or having difficulty reading small text?


Multifocal contact lenses could be your solution.


What are multifocal contact lenses?

Multifocal contact lenses are specially designed lenses that incorporate multiple prescriptions to help you see clearly at various distances. This is particularly beneficial for people experiencing presbyopia, the gradual loss of the ability to focus on close objects or text. Presbyopia is, unfortunately, a natural part of ageing and worsens over time as the lens in your eye becomes less flexible.

If you suffer from presbyopia, you’ve likely started to wear reading glasses or sought prescription glasses to help with your everyday life. Like many, you may be unaware of multifocal contact lenses and their benefits. These contact lenses have different zones to cater to various distances, allowing a seamless transition from near to far vision.

The benefits of multifocal contact lenses

Beyond being an excellent solution for those with presbyopia, multifocal contact lenses offer several other benefits:

  • Freedom from glasses: Approximately 57% of people want to be as free as possible from wearing glasses. Multifocal contact lenses eliminate the need for multiple pairs of glasses, such as reading glasses.
  • Convenience and appearance: Some people enjoy wearing contact lenses for aesthetic reasons. Or find contact lenses particularly useful for sports activities or other scenarios where glasses can be cumbersome.
  • Ease of use: With multifocal contact lenses, you don’t have to worry about losing or breaking your glasses. They provide a hassle-free alternative, ensuring clear vision at all times in all lights.

If you’re having trouble with close-up vision and are tired of constantly switching between different pairs of glasses, multifocal contact lenses might be the perfect solution for you. They offer a convenient, effective, and aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional glasses.

How Do Multifocal Contact Lenses Work?

Multifocal contact lenses have distinct zones with different prescriptions. When you shift your gaze from close-up tasks to distant objects, your eyes naturally look through the appropriate zone, making the transition smooth and effortless.

ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-DAY Multifocal Contact Lenses

Walker and Campbell prescribe ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-DAY Multifocal contact lenses. Incredibly comfortable, these contact lenses give you crisp, clear vision — near, intermediate, and far, in dim light and bright light — freeing you from having to reach for your reading glasses.

Rediscover the vision you remember. Ask us about ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-DAY Multifocal contact lenses at your next appointment.